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Step 1

The preparation of the toping and the batter :

  • Slide your bananas and in a wide fried pan add ¼ cup of butter. Temperature is over high.

  • Now add all your sliced bananas in the butter and add ¼ cup of sugar in.

  • In a large bowl, crack 2 eggs and add ¼ cup of sugar.

  • Mix well and add 1 cup of milk into the eggs’ mixture.

  • Soak French toast into the batter

Step 2

Now, bake the toast :

  • Add 1/4 cup of butter into your fried pan while you dip the toast into the batter.

  • Soak the toasts quickly in the mixture, if you leave them too long, they may become soggy.

  • Sear them on your biggest frying pan over medium plus heat in which you will have placed a knob of butter, 2 mn approximately on each side.

  • Place the French toast into a plate and add your caramelized bananas, as an option you could add chocolate sauce or Marple syrup if you want to.

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